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Microcontroller Development Board (Atmel 8051 Series and Arduino)

MK-51S Development Board for 

ATMEL 8051 Microcontrollers and Arduino.

MK-51S Kit Contents

MK-51S is a single board Microcontroller Development Kit (MK-51S) which is specially designed to work with Atmel 8051 MCU series Microcontrollers like AT89C51, AT89S51, AT89S52 etc (40 pin devices). In addition, there are simple buffer socket positions on-board to put few Arduino Boards like Arduino Nano, Node MCU and Wemos D1 Mini. The design has left all the connection points are 2.54 mm Male headers and requires to connect with Female to Female jumper wires.

The MK-51S is designed for embedded control and robotic applications and experimentation. The MK-51S has an on-board loader/programmer which is accessed via PC USB port. Peripheral modules can be connected to the connectors on the MK-51S Trainer board via female to female jumper cables.

It can be used as a flexible instructional aid in academic institutions and a powerful development kit in R&D Labs. MK-51S} provides complete solution for students and designers.

Technical Specifications:

Default Processor : AT89S52
Crystal : 11.0592 MHz.
On-board Reset Button.
On-board 3.3V Regulator.
5V, 3.3V and Ground busses.
External Power Option for Motor Driver.
On-Board USB Programmer.
1602 LCD Display.
4 Digit 7-Segment LED Display (CA).
8x8 LED Dot Matrix.
8 x 3 mm LEDs (CA).
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor).
Analog Temp. sensor LM35.
Digital Temp. sensor DS18B20.
IR (Infra Red) Reciceiver (TSOP1740).
Temp. Humi. sensor DHT11.
RTC and EEPROM Module.
Arduino on Socket Wemos D1 Moni.
4 Standalone Push Buttons.
4 x 4 Keypad Matrix.
2 x Toggle switch (Slide SPDT).
Solderless Breadboard (170YI).


Board Size (inch) : 8.5 x 6.0 x 2..0
Kit Size (inch) : 10.0 x 7.0 x 3.0
kit Weight (gm): 450.0

Peripheral ICs on-board :

L293D - Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver.
AD0804 - 8 bit Analog to Digital Converter.
74HC595 - Serial in Parallel out Shift Register.
Max6675 - 8 bit Hex Buffer.
1 x & Segment LED Display with BCD Converter.

External :

2 x DC Motor Port.
Servo Motor Port.
28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor Port.
HS04 Ultrasonic Tx Rx Port.
HUB360 IR Reflectance Sensor.
HC05 Bluetooth Module.
PT100 Temp. Sensor.
K-Type Temp. Sensor.
SIM800L - GSM Module.
SSD1306 OLED (128X64).
